Wednesday 15 January 2014

Mobile Apps for ESL Students


  1. Busuu

    This language-learning app features more than 3,000 words and expressions and covers a wide range of topics through comprehensive vocabulary sections and interactive tests. Levels include beginner to advanced, and it is available for download on iPhone and Android (20 units are free and remaining content is available upon purchase).
  2. SpeakingPal English Tutor

    A very entertaining and highly-interactive app, it features a series of mini-lessons of approximately 5 minutes, so students have no excuses when it comes to making the most of idle time. The student interacts with the app through speech recognition software that recreates a real video call. It’s available for download on iPhone or Android for free.
  3. Voxy

    This is a tremendously popular app, particularly in the Spanish-speaking market. It features news and stories on a variety of topics, and provides games for language practice, plus short quizzes to test comprehension. It can be downloaded for free on iPhone and Android.
  4. MyWordBook

    This app was developed by the British Council in conjunction with Cambridge University Press and offers a wonderful, engaging way to learn new words through sets of interactive flashcards. Additional vocabulary packs may be downloaded from Cambridge dictionaries. Available for free on iPhone and Android.
  5. Conversation English

    This app features 20 lessons, each with a video dialogue. The app gives learners the option to read the conversation and then answer questions and complete a variety of exercises. It’s a great app for those who wish to practice more conversational English. It’s available for download on iTunes.
  6. English Grammar in Use Tests

    Developed by Cambridge University Press and based on the successful Grammar in Use series, this app allows students to practice English grammar as a series of “tests” that are more akin to games. It’s not free, but it’s one of the best apps for students who want some grammar practice on the go. There is also a complete series of apps based on the Grammar in Use books available for iPhone.

These are but a few of the hundreds of apps available for mobile learning.

If you have tried any and would like to recommend them, please tell us about them in the comments below!


  1. I think, I will use it one day. Thank you.

  2. I think that they are very interesting apps to learn languages. It has looks of being very entertaining. Maybe someday I will use one of them to see that such it is. Thank you Nerea!

  3. Very useful apps.
    By the way, nice blog, I haven´t see it for a while.
    keep the good work!!

  4. This app is so interesting. Maybe, one day I will use it!

  5. This app is so interesting, maybe some day I will use one of this app because I think that you can study something with this.
